When I was young we used to play a game called Happiness Is... We would start off with the phrase and then add our own thoughts. Happiness is.... a glass of ice water on a hot, muggy day. Happiness is... fresh, clean sheets that envelop you in a sweet fragrance after you've had a long hard day. Happiness is... getting a long, informative email from someone special who you haven't heard from in a long time. Happiness is... getting a seat on the bus or tram vi. Well, you get the idea -- and I'll bet all of you have played it at one time or another. Well, we have a
Real Happiness story... Happiness is... moving into a nice neighborhood; into a clean, well cared for building; a building only 1/2 block from our current church building; 6th floor apartment; new washer (our last one broke and flooded the apartment twice)....
Happiness is... a gaited building that is shoveled, cleaned, and cared for daily. Looking up from our backyard towards our apartment we can see our balcone and our neighbors next door. It is a bank with many reflecting windows --at night they turn on colored lights and it appears green.
Happiness is... having nice big windows that let in the sunshine and allow us to look out onto the city skyline from our bedroom towards the front of the building. We live on a one way street which is quite busy. Currently the windows are closed and we do not hear very much of the traffic -- we'll see how much happiness we have when summer comes and we open the windows to let in cool air and the noise comes with it.
When the outside of our old apartment was repaired and painted I held my breath as the workers walked shaky planks without any safety precautions. One day while looking out our bedroom windows towards the front of our new apartment I saw workers shoveling the ice and snow from the roof of the building across the street. They had a huge hammer that they would lift and slam down on the ice, then they would use a shovel and some tools to loosen it and shove it over the edge to the street below. As you can see they were standing on a sheet metal roof that must have been very slippery. Several times I saw them slip as the ice gave way and I was sure I would see a tragedy happening before my eyes. They did have a rope tied around their waist, but I am not sure it would have held them had they gone over the edge. Happiness is ... not seeing anyone fall to their death.
Although we have no trees or bushes in our backyard, Happiness is ... being able to look out our rear window and not see anyone using it as a bathroom (in our last apartment that was the case as I gazed out the kitchen window on a daily basis).
Happiness is... having a bus stop right outside your building -- we can't go everywhere using this stop, but others are not a far walk. Happiness is saying 'Let's go to the Subway' and not mean the Metro. This Subway sandwich shop is just around the corner. Happiness will be ... not gaining weight because we don't have to walk as far, and we
eat more fast food. (but aren't Subway sandwiches slimming -- seems like I remember a commerical....)
We have a playground and a little area with benches to sit and relax -- it should be a pleasant place in the summer. We have seen a few children playing there in the afternoons -- Happiness would be to have our grandchildren to share it with.
Looking down on our 'yard' from our kitchen balcone. A balcone is an enclosed porch that sticks out from the building (you can see them in the picture)-- I am sure the word balcone comes from the word balcony, or possibly the other way around. The balcone stays cold throughout the winter and we store some food there -- we also use it for luggage storage and other items. Happiness is... having extra storage space.
Happiness is... an elevator with no graffiti -- two elevators that are clean and do not smell (what a wonderful treat, after living in a building for almost a year with an elevator that smelled like dirty socks). Luckily we lived only 3 stories up and could take the stairs. Now we are 6 stories up, and this is Russia, so our happiness will end with the loss of electricity.
Happiness is ... having a living room with a nice interior, good furniture, and space enough to fit all our youth comfortably.
Happiness is... having a comfortable bed. In Russia the mattresses are different than the box springs and cusioned mattress we are use to. Here they are one piece, like box springs, but comfortable. We are very low to the ground, we feel like we are almost sleeping on the floor, and literally 'fall into bed'.
Happiness is... having a refrigerator that actually keeps things cold and is much bigger. What a blessing! We also have a larger oven and a new ceramic stove top. By the way, the Sprite bottles on the counter are full of filtered water, we keep them filled and use them as needed. Happiness is... having water that doesn't stink, and isn't a funny color.
Do you remember our last bathroom? These are
quite an improvement -- Happiness is... having the doors lock from the inside. Who would have thought???
Happiness is... being able to flush, and not have to brush.
I may have to wait to explain that until we return home.
Happiness is... having a place where those you care about feel comfortable.
Yulia and Anna enjoy relaxing while others in the group play a game.
Happiness is... being surrounded by wonderful, good, young people who feel as blessed as we do by our new apartment. They love it too!
And Happiness is... having many friends and loved ones at home who pray for us daily and support us with their prayers and emails.